The key point of defense will usually be the two eastern windows-in Garage Lounge (2F) and Electrical Room (2F)-but attackers will also push through Mezzanine (2F) and Mechanical Bull (2F). Also, the window in the Mezzanine (2F) has a direct line of sight-and very quick rotation route-back into Piano Room (2F), so use this to your advantage when trying to roam the area.
Spreading the team out is key to defending this site, and it’s a good idea to keep a player over in the Party Room (2F) or Electrical Room (2F) to flank any enemies pushing through Mechanical Bull (2F). 2F Laundry Room & 2F Games Room: This is a difficult site to defend, due to the separation of the 2 bombs by the Motel Hallway (2F), Showers (2F) and Piano Room (2F), meaning the defending team has to hold the majority of the 2 nd floor to keep the bombs secure.Bomb is the only game mode in the Ranked playlist, and all 3 are available in Quick Match. Outback has 4 objective sites in each mode Bomb, Secure and Hostage.