Find a template that matches the item you want to sell – Once you are inside the sellercore. You can use their editing software without even signing up for an account however, I do recommend registering for an account as this way you can save your templates and come back to them later.Ģ.
Go To – provides free HTML templates for eBay users. You can either add the description of your item in plain text or with HTML which will allow you to add videos, images, boarders and more to your eBay listing.ġ. Here's our suggestions for writing an ebay product description: Product name: e.g. The more specific you are, the more personalized you can make your content. Before you write anything, you need to know who or what you're writing about. You will notice whilst creating your eBay listings that there are two options when it comes to your description. Here are 3 simple steps to get started: 1. HTML in simple terms is a type of coded language that computers understand.
Below are some steps that you can take to include HTML into your eBay listings for free. Despite the fact that images and video in an eBay description can dramatically improve sales, most sellers do not know how to utilize this to their advantage. They noted that ‘the closing bids from the auctions with video were at least 25% more than the ones without’. The tiger_marketing_group published an article on eBay showing how adding video to their listing affected their sales. How to use the eBay HTML tool to attract more sales